Pez & Needles

Pez & Needles (or PNN, P&N, Pez) is another OC band associated with DLL, SFS, and XOZ. They're a modern, pop punk, rock-influenced, alternative band, and they like to make music, and none of them have a good education.


Ayrton Bychov - lead singer, rhythm guitarist
Ritchie Marrell - bassist
Neil Vianu - drummer
Mark Walter White - lead guitarist
Zephyr Lynne - ex bassist

*scroll down for other people or click here


Full Name: Ayrton Oleg Bychov
Birthday: December 28, 1996
Gender: he/him, AMAB
Sexuality: asexual, heteromantic
Family: not really in touch, no siblings
Relationships: ex gf named Amille
Ethnicity: Russian-American
More Extra Stuff:

  • loves birds and plants so much

  • lives alone in san diego & he has a pearled cockatiel named sophie, and a turquoise parrot named olivia

  • really bad anxiety problems

  • completely straightedge, no alcohol or drugs or smoking or anything !!

  • he lives in san diego

  • autistic <3

  • describes things very "strange" and doesn't like a lot of smells/textures/etc, and he's pretty smart (shaves as little as possible because the texture of a razor is bad, so he always has stubble)

  • fairly social, likes one-on-one convos more but loves meeting new people and getting to know them, he just likes to talk

  • he wishes he was awsten knight

  • allergic to dogwood trees, fake animal products, and nuts


Full Name: Ritchie Marrell
Birthday: September 7, 199?
Gender: he/him, AMAB
Family: Mylo Marrell (brother)
Relationships: single
More Extra Stuff:


Full Name: Neil Elena Vianu
Birthday: March 30, 1994
Gender: he/him, AFAB
Sexuality: bisexual, biromantic
Family: NO
Relationships: no
Ethnicity: Romanian-American
More Extra Stuff:

  • so incredibly dysphoric about absolutely everything ever all the time 24/7

  • on T since 2019, legally changed his name 2020, and had both surgeries in 2022

  • so skinny he looks starved and 12

  • thinks he has to be mean and angry to be masculine so he makes himself a bad person just to pass

  • lives in apartment mww bought him in LA

  • the only person he's genuinely close with is august carson and he'll ONLY cry in front of him

Mark Walter White

Full Name: Mark Walter White
Birthday: January 18, 2001
Gender: he/him, AMAB
Sexuality: heterosexual, heteroromantic
Family: bad <3
Relationships: dating Naomi Stout
ex gfs: Ashley, Meghan, Sara, Megan
Ethnicity: W h i t e
More Extra Stuff:

  • in love with his bsf jon (not gay just married once)

  • owns a ton of business with jonas rivne

  • he's the 9th richest person in the US

  • acts bicurious

  • "allergic" to fish but actually just terrified

  • major OCD, sometimes paranoid, has to do everything in 3's, also SO autistic

  • golden retriever happy-go-lucky frat boy

  • cole sprouse wannabe

  • dating naomi stout since october 2024

  • very easily manipulated/persuaded

  • close friends with jonas rivne



Full Name: Zephyr Lynne
Birthday: March 02, 1995
Gender: they/he, AMAB
Sexuality: GAY
Family: not really in touch but not too bad
Relationships: ex bf named Oliver
Ethnicity: part korean, part russian
More Extra Stuff:

  • likes presenting masculine but acting/behaving more feminine

  • -ex bassist of pnn (was kicked out due to drugging people at parties regulraly hosted by Mark)

  • he does the pisces thing where he takes everything personally and gets offended but doesn't yell he just gets an angry tone

  • allergic to eggs

  • enjoys writing, including short stories, lyrics, poems, etc. just loves playing with words and being artistic with them

  • very pretty handwriting

  • lives alone in apartment in sacramento (that he kicked Oliver out of)


Relation to Band: Mark's roommate and gf
Full name: Naomi Stout
Birthday: May 14, 2000
Gender: she/her, AFAB
Sexuality: pansexual, panromantic
Ethnicity: white? german?
Important Extra Stuff:

  • in school for programming

  • mww's gf 2024, wife 2026


Relation to Band: sound guy for dll and occationally pnn
Full name: Oliver Tarazi
Birthday: October 30, 1998
Gender: he/they AMAB (femboy)
Sexuality: so very gay
Ethnicity: Persian-American
Important Extra Stuff:

  • zephyr lynne's ex boyfriend

  • so so very gay, also presents very feminine but acts more masculine

  • dyes hair very consistently and it's usually something different

  • downturned nose

  • socially drinks and smokes weed

  • chillest person ever

  • gives free tarot readings to all bands


Relation to Band: Ayrton's ex gf
Full name: Amille Margot Blanchet
Birthday: October 29, 1997
Gender: she/her mainly but anything is fine, she/they/he/xe, AFAB
Sexuality: asexual, heteroromantic
Ethnicity: French, but grew up in NJ
Important Extra Stuff:

  • works as a model, primarily for makeup

  • has a pet corn snake named Henry

  • people think she's pagan but she's not, she's atheist, she just likes crystals and bones and plants a lot

  • she's very much into astrology


Relation to Band: band manager
Full name: Vanessa Mahmoud
Birthday: August 31, 1992
Gender: she/her, AFAB
Sexuality: ???
Ethnicity: egyptian-american


Relation to Band: producer, MWW's uncle
Full name: Steve Joshua White
Birthday: June 06, 1986
Gender: he/him, AMAB
Sexuality: straight
Ethnicity: w h i t e
Important Extra Stuff:


*some covers haven't been finished yet so there's just a temporary supplement image, you can still click any picture for tracklists

Pez In The Void

July 04, 2020

Pez & Needles - EP

February 19, 2021

Pez At The Beach

December 02, 2021

Pez In The Woods

April 09, 2023

Deflated Left Pez - EP

January 09, 2024

Pez In The School

September 26, 2029

Pez In The Void

1. Compulsory Introduction Statement
2. The Uglier The Better
3. invalid
4. Paranoia
5. Haruno
6. the public must be told
7. I Wish I Could Stop
8. Spots Of Black
9. rusting more and more
10. Bart Simpson's Epiphany
11. Love Your Laugh
12. u pasty fucking prick, i hate u

more about the songs

Compulsory Introduction Statement

number one is in a rut already
he's got one foot in the tar pit
and another on his hip
he knows his luck is temporary
the bad shit is what's permanent
all he can do is take another hit
number two, this shit is never-ending
books burned as they're written
no one gets to see them open
writers locked up, they're pounding
at the big dungeon doors
they never seen the light before
I know it's not the best way to introduce myself
but I'm letting you know now
I got a novel in my head about the past, but I'll save it
this is all you need for now
number three's so fucking tired of it
he chases after a pot
nothing ever hits the spot
he tries but none of his rings fit
he cant change his ring size
why's he even alive?
number four ain't got enough stitches
the strings are all falling out
but his head's up in the clouds
it kinda helps but it never fixes
when he pretends he's 65
and that he's happy and alive
I know it's not the best way to introduce myself
but I'm letting you know now
I got a novel in my head about the past, but I'll save it
this is all you need for now

Pez At The Beach

1. Purely Obligatory
2. Do You Think
3. nothingisgoodenough
4. Not A Joke?
5. Watching
6. you wouldn't know
7. Add Some Cities
8. Mary Mace Is An Alcoholic
9. do you have any stories to tell?
10. Red Face Green Face
11. Poor Thing (You're So Spoiled)
12. never ever tell me
13. Zero Calories, Unending Worries
14. These Rooms See So Many People
15. spots on my back

more about the songs

Mary Mace Is An Alcoholic

the clock is screaming about the unlucky number
the April day's so cold and bright, and I wonder
why did she have to make it about her?
what went through that poor girl's mind then?
she hit 28 blue jays and a single finch
she only missed the mockingbird by half an inch
she keeps scaring us to make us flinch
does she think our pity will make her guilt disappear?
she ruins everything
and she knows, she knows, she knows
I know Mary's got the worst intentions
but she's
such a sweet talker, we don't even pay attention
she tells us the truth but in such a way
she's let off the hook every single day
that's what the drinking does to you
Mary Mace
I can't catch everyone falling off the cliff
but if she goes and peers over the edge
she'll jump off in a heartbeat but we'll all blame the pit
why does everyone tolerate the state she's in?
is dreaming more or less hurtful than fear?
you don't do either, but you should, my dear
I'll walk with you forever Mary, I swear
as long as you keep lying, I'll always be there
she ruins everything
and she knows, she knows, she knows
I know Mary's got the worst intentions
but she's
such a sweet talker, we don't even pay attention
she tells us the truth but in such a way
she's let off the hook every single day
that's what the drinking does to you
Mary Mace


*click for indivual members' backstories if you don't want to scroll past all this

P&N met in March of 2019, they were all in Russia for different reasons. Zephyr was living there, Ayrton was visiting family for a couple weeks, Neil was trying to escape his family in Ukraine, and Mark Walter White was vacationing because he was rich and felt like it. Zephyr and Ayrton met first, Zephyr was working at a record store that Ayrton went into, seeking a Synonym record. Zephyr liked them too and they started talking about music, and soon it was revealed that Ayrton loved to sing, Zephyr played bass, and they'd both secretly dreamed of being in a band for years. Next, Mark met Ayrton, and they got along pretty well because Ayrton could tell he was different when most people couldn't. Neil and Ayrton met next, when they were both in a MaxiDom store (the Russian equivalent of Home Depot but with some Walmart in there too). Ayrton was there for an electric air heater, and Neil was just wandering around pretending to be looking at tools to seem manly. They ended up discussing music somehow, and Ayrton introduced the three, because that's what libras do.
They released their first album in July of 2020, which took so long because the band had broken up for a few months mid-writing. They finally worked things out and almost broke up again during the recording sessions, but they ended up just dragging things out. The self-titled EP that followed in February of 2021 led to a newfound process and connection amongst the band, and after releasing that, they decided to work on a whole new album, this time with more independent songs rather than a stressful group effort.
Now, Ayrton lives in San Diego, Mark and Neil live in LA, and Zephyr lives in Sacramento.

*WARNING for mentions of abuse, ableism, transphobia, homophobia (their pasts are ordered from worst to best)


  • First item

  • Second item

  • Third item


  • kid years: his rich parents died when he was about 3, which he doesn't really remember, but he was adopted by his even richer aunt and uncle. the uncle tried to actually raise him like their own child, but the aunt didn't like anything about him and wanted perfection (his autism actually showed frequently at the time). so she constantly scolded him for not doing things the "right" or "normal" or "acceptable" way, and by 12, he fully masked constantly out of habit

  • teen years: the masking carried on into his teen years, not much happened except picking up the guitar as a coping skill, but he wasn't allowed to show anyone that, he only got it because the uncle felt bad.

  • 18-now: he was only 19 when he met ayrton and the band, so he hadn't done much yet, he was still living with his aunt and uncle. moving to LA was a huge step for him, but definitely a good one, even though he'd gotten to the point of not even knowing how to NOT mask, he's just like this


  • kid years: he was decent, he just had strict parents that didn't really like him and wanted him to be like them, which he definitely wasn't

  • teen years: his parents got stricter and his grades fell some, and they told him he needed to get a job. he couldn't get one, so he lied to them that he did, and they wanted to see proof of him making money, so zeph started letting his friends pay him to do stupid dares. he ended up being like their pet, their entertainment, he just did what they told him to so he could show his parents he was getting money from somewhere. this went on from like 14-17, ending just before he turned 18, which is when he was kicked out

  • 18-now: at 18 he went to live with a friend in their shabby little apartment, it only had one bedroom, so he slept on the couch. he was the happiest he'd ever been at that point. meeting ayrton was even better, because the four of them all moved to LA when they actually formed the band, and when they got enough money, he could move to Sacramento and have his own apartment.


  • First item

  • Second item

  • Third item